A Friday afternoon, February lockdown treat, which came about as a result of me mulling over how best to bake a gingery loaf of bread and ended up with me making this granola bake instead.
I blame Tashi, our Tibetan puppy who refused to play quietly with his toys. By the time I returned home from a long walk with him (in a bid to tire him out!) it was too late to start baking bread so I used some of the fresh ginger to make this sweet treat instead.
Once I had worked out my preferred fruit and nut combination, it only took around 10 minutes to prepare and half an hour to bake. Though not a typical Mediterranean recipe, it tasted so good that I thought I would share it with you.
PS: If you are not as much of a fan of ginger as I am, simply decrease the amount to 1 teaspoon.
- 130 grams of light brown sugar
- 130 grams butter (I prefer the lightly salted variety)
- 160 grams oats
- 2 tbsps. honey
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 2 tsp fresh, grated ginger
- 1 tsp powdered ginger
- 100 grams dried apricots
- 25 grams pistachios
- Grease a baking tray or round cake tin with removable bottom (around 20×20 cm in size).
- Put the cubed butter, sugar, honey and oil into a heavy bottomed pan and melt over a gentle heat. Add the grated ginger and infuse it in the melted liquid for a minute or so, making sure that the mixture does not burn.
- Chop apricots and pistachios and put in a bowl along with the oats.
- Add the melted butter mixture to this and mix well.
- Spoon into the greased tin and cook in preheated oven (180 C/ 160 F / gas 4) for around 30 minutes or until the top turns a golden brown.
- Allow to cool in the tin before slicing.
- Enjoy!
In case you’re wondering, this is naughty little Tashi whose behaviour led me to come up with this recipe !
© (Suzette McDaniel Don’t Burn The Onions) Unauthorized use and /or duplication of this material without express written consent from this blog’s author/and or owner is strictly prohibited
Tashi must be a really mischievous pup! It definitely looks like there are oats in the photo of the bake but there are none mentioned in either the recipe or the method…
Hi Tamara
Thank you for pointing out that I had forgotten to include the “oats” in the ingredients list. (I can’t blame Tashi this time!) The “missing” oats were included in the third step of the method but I realise that this would not be any use without knowing how many were required. My apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for taking the time to contact me so that I could quickly amend the recipe. Much appreciated!